Monday, July 22, 2013


After my school abandoned the FISH philosophy school wide, I decided that I wanted to go back to my  original THEME I wanted to do last year. My theme this year is going to be ROCK STARS... I want to use this theme throughout the different subject areas and to start off the year and everyday acting like rock stars... How can you be a rock star? What does it take to become a rock star at something? I've heard that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything. WOW! As a teacher should I expect students to become experts in a subject or with their behavior overnight. NO! I would really like to carry this theme all throughout and continue to discuss character traits that rock stars demonstrate. I can see going to the lab on the first day to print out a rock star that a student loves and wants to be like and lead into discussing about what it means to act and live like a rock star. As you can tell, I am super excited!!! I can't wait to share pictures when it starts coming together :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Project #2

Setting up my Classroom Library

This is my next big project that I am currently tackling. At first it seemed overwhelming to collect all those books but I quickly learned some of the best places to get books!

Garage Sales: I got the majority of my books this way. Paperbacks are usually 25-50 cents and $1 for a hardback book. I even hit the jackpot by finding a teacher garage sale that was selling years worth of teacher supplies.

Goodwill: I never realized how cheap they sell books but you can buy paperbacks for 50 cents. This is cheaper than Half Price books.

Neighbors: If you have neighbors with kids, most likely they will have books they are ready to donate. Don't be afraid to ask if they have any children books they would like to donate to your classroom.

Your Students/Parents: If you send a letter home, alot of times they are more then happy to donate to your library and you could even make it a fun experience with a book dedication or having the child sign the inner flap that says "Donated By:".

Scholastic Points: Every month you get a Scholastic book order, you earn points to get two or three new books for your classroom library.  Since I a new teacher, I have never experienced the joy of this, but I am looking forward to it!!

Other Teachers:  Teachers who are switching grade levels or have multiple copies of books will gladly donate to your library because they don't need them anymore and teachers are always happy to help each other out :)

Pictures to come of the process!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Project #1

I have 3 huge chalkboards in my classroom that cover the majority of my walls. I dislike chalkboards due to the dusty, smelly mess that chalk creates not to mention when my husband steps in my room he has an allergic reaction. Poor thing! He was such a sport to help me with my first project while obtaining a huge migraine. I have been reading on alot of blogs that teachers have transformed their chalkboards into whiteboards, but at little cost! I read on LadyBugsTeacherFiles blog how she did this using showerboard without the huge expense of buying real dry erase boards... so my husband and I go to Lowe's and buy some white panel board for 11.86/peice which was 8 x 5 ft. a sheet. We bought 3 sheets and some industrial strength velcro.

Here is my chalkboard before...

This is my wonderful husband helping me put velcro on the back of the panel board to mount on my chalkboard.

Here is the final product...

I am very happy with the transformation :) My husband tried writing on it and you def. will need to erase your board often in order for it to not get stuck on the board permanently. It isn't the quality of a real dry erase board but when you are a poor new teacher trying to set up her classroom it is the next best thing!