Monday, July 22, 2013


After my school abandoned the FISH philosophy school wide, I decided that I wanted to go back to my  original THEME I wanted to do last year. My theme this year is going to be ROCK STARS... I want to use this theme throughout the different subject areas and to start off the year and everyday acting like rock stars... How can you be a rock star? What does it take to become a rock star at something? I've heard that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything. WOW! As a teacher should I expect students to become experts in a subject or with their behavior overnight. NO! I would really like to carry this theme all throughout and continue to discuss character traits that rock stars demonstrate. I can see going to the lab on the first day to print out a rock star that a student loves and wants to be like and lead into discussing about what it means to act and live like a rock star. As you can tell, I am super excited!!! I can't wait to share pictures when it starts coming together :)

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